Success Stories by Dana

Interviews Success Stories by Dana.

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Success Stories by Dana

Is there a secret formula to achieving success?

Success Stories by Dana Verdier, is a series of one-to-one interviews with inspirational and successful individuals who have achieved their goals. The format offers an insight into the routes to success, overcoming the lows of hardship and the highs of success, and whether there really is a secret formula that you can follow to achieve your goals.

The interviews are masterfully conducted by former performer and business woman, Dana Verdier, who invites her guest to share their personal journey towards success. She selects her guests based on personalities that provide the benchmark for other people, providing inspiration for self-improvement.

Dana’s empathy with her guests is evident and can be attributed to her own success story.

“My vision for Success Stories is to show that the road to success can be a long journey, littered with mistakes, setbacks and suffering, as well as success and happiness. Times of uncertainty can trigger doubt and despair, so it’s important to send a message that the problems we face also provide an opportunity for us to discover a sense of purpose.”

The interviews are professionally filmed by a highly trained video production team, including lighting and sound technicians. Styling and hairdressing can also be part of the service, so that each interviewee is comfortable, relaxed and ready for their conversation.

Dana video interview with Jose Antonio Flores - SSbyDana


Dana’s interviews provide a platform for guests to share their journey to success, providing valuable insights and inspiration that could help you reach your goals…no matter who you are, where you are from or what you want to achieve.

  • Interviews|
Jessica Chavéz
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Enseñanzas de Vida, Perseverancia y el Poder de Creer en Uno Mismo

Video interview with Evgenia Nikulina by SSbyDana
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Happiness and pleasure - are the keys to success in my life

Video interview with Ana Arnal and José Morales by SSbyDana
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Descubrir y vivir tu pasión es esencial para experimentar una vida plena" Grupo Morales & Arnal

Video interview with Yanela Brooks by SSbyDana
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Share your talent and passion;it's a gift meant to be shared with the world

Interview with Sofia Marbella, Etiquette & Manners by Dana from SSbyDana
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I help people to stand out from the crowd and make them unforgettable

Interview with Dra. Christine Chantada, medical aesthetician by Dana from SSbyDana
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What would you say to someone who is not comfortable with their physique?

Interview with Javier Moreno, an international male model with Dana from SSbyDana
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What failures and adversities have marked you in life and led to success?

Interview with Koen de Vos from Grupo DVSO by Dana from SSbyDana
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"What is the most important lesson you learned in life?

Interview with Line Lyster from Redline Company. Dana and Line sitting on red chairs and laughing at camera - SSbyDana
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Meet the director and founder of Redline Company

Interview with Sally Greene on grey couch by SSbyDana
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"What would you like to leave to the new generation?"

Interview with Virginia Macari in garden by SSbyDana
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Sustainable brand Virginia Macari explain us the responsability of being green in this business

Interview with Flavia Padovan in garden by SSbyDana
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"What kind of celebrities would come to you?"

Interview with Mari Boch from SSbyDana
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"Success is having a balance between work and family."

Dana interview with Oscar Holtzheker created by SSbyDana
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"Success is not always winning. But in never being discouraged."

Dana interviews Dr. Fernández Blanco created by SSbyDana
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"Key to success - work, intelligence, time. Do what you like and put patience."

Dana interviews Zahir Belounis on green couch with black background - SSbyDana
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"If you want something, don't be a dreamer, you have to work."

Dana interviews Ismael Mérida on a balcony - SSbyDana
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"It's very sexy to do things your own way. For me it's priceless."

Dana interviews Juan Carlos Morel on a white couch - SSbyDana
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"Believe in what you do, believe in yourself and be sure of what you are offering."

Dana interviews Dr. Sam Mark on chairs - SSbyDana
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"I start something and I have to finish it. Only because I have to prove to myself I can do it. I just don't give up."

Dana interviews Nadezda Stepochkina on white couch - SSbyDana
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"You always have a chance to write a new chapter, you are the author of your own success story."

Dana interviews Álvaro Arbeloa - SSbyDana
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"The hard part is not getting there, the hard part is staying there."

Dana interviews Salman Yousra on green couch - SSbyDana
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"As my mum used to say: see, hear and be silent."

Dana interviews Geoffrey Lo Pilato in front of company - SSbyDana
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"Talent makes you stand out and the heart makes you transcend."

Dana interviews Javier Larrainzar in red suit on a with sofa - SSbyDana
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"Every day I get frustrated. If you want to become successful... constancy, constancy and constancy."